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4 يناير

When Women Fall

On November 25, 2013 by Katie
Women are charged in a special way to fight against evil.  As daughters of Eve, who fell to the tempter’s lies, and as daughters of Mary, whose Son crushed the head of the serpent, we are invited to join in the cosmic battle and defend those we love by standing with the Light.  Saint Teresa Benedicta says this about woman’s particular participation in the fight against evil: A quality unique to woman is her singular sensitivity to moral values and an abhorrence for all which is low and mean…This is expressed by the mysterious prophecy become legendary, that woman would be engaged in battle against the serpent; and this prophecy is fulfilled by the victory over evil won for all humanity through Mary, queen of all women.
With this high calling in mind, it seems to me, therefore, that it is especially tragic when women are twisted and become co-workers with the serpent.  Women, who are naturally endowed by God with an affinity for Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, fall lowest and hardest when they become agents of evil.  This is why the father of lies approached Eve first; he knew that if he could trick Eve with his cunning, Adam would almost certainly fall.
My heart aches as I write this because I am thinking particularly tonight about FEMEN, a new and quickly growing Marxist feminist group. They are currently operating out of Paris and they have declared war on all institutions that they deem patriarchal, most especially the Catholic Church, as well as civil governments and laws that they feel are oppressive.  These women are angry and lewd and use their bodies as weapons to shock and insult those who see them. Here is a photo taken earlier this year in Paris, where they attacked a peaceful pro-marriage march.
Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Oh, these women.  These precious daughters who are angry and wounded.  These sisters who reject their femininity and cooperate with evil and, in doing so, become enemies both spiritual and temporal.  Their rage makes them abominable, insofar as they turn against the very Light and Beauty they are made to image.  While I grieve for them and pray for them, I accept that I may be invited to lay down my life so that they might be saved.  The time for bloody religious persecution in the United States might not be far off and the greatest weapon we have in the fight against evil is to lay down our lives so that our enemies might accept Mercy and receive salvation alongside us.  We pray for the courage of Saints Cecilia, Agnes, Agatha, Lucy, Philomena, and so many others if we are called to witness with our lives, most especially Saint Catherine of Alexandria on this, her feast.

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